Discovering Who the Lord Really Is
“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection…”
Philippians 3:10a
Dear Friends,
All too often people take the bold step to receive Christ (get saved), but then remain satisfied as is. To be sure, having Jesus Christ as your Savior is awesome. But just knowing a few facts about God, is not enough.
It was Paul’s prayer that believers would really get to know the Lord. There’s a vast difference between knowing about God and knowing God. It’s kind of like having an acquaintance with someone and then eventually marrying him or her. I’m sure you would agree, there’s a huge gap between being acquainted with a person and really knowing them inside and out.
How can we get to know God? The key to really knowing God is through prayer and a humble heart. If you ask God to reveal Himself to you through His Word (the Bible) with a heart that’s open and transparent, God is sure to make Himself known.
Friend do you have a hunger in your spirit to know your God? If so, open yourself up to Him, spend time with Him and discover whom the Lord really is.
Enjoying God,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor