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Welcomed at the Throne of Grace

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16

When tough times hit, we may feel as if there is nowhere to turn. But King Jesus is very adamant about reminding us that we are always welcome at His place…it is a throne room of Grace!

When I was a junior aged boy our family had a little Maltese Poodle mix that we called Cinders (she was dusty black in color, like soot). She was a very loving dog and a special friend to our family. She was mostly an outside dog and as such would occasionally get into a tussle with another dog or a big tomcat. During those times when she was recovering from her wounds she would crawl to the corner of the yard, lick her wounds and lay around a lot.

In like manner, I have had situations that are so overwhelming - I’m ashamed to say - I didn’t really want to be around God much and pulled away. Over the years however, I have learned that God’s throne is a throne of grace. When I cried out to Jesus to save me, a door of heaven swung open wide and I was ushered right into God’s throne room. And incredibly, I was welcome there because Jesus, my intercessor, gave me access to Father God. His death, and even further, His resurrection made it possible for me to receive mercy and grace.

Dear friend rather than sitting alone in your pain licking your wounds, run right through heaven’s open doors and straight into the presence of Father God – you are welcome at the throne of Grace.

Thanking God for His Grace,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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