Pray for Our Nation
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
1 Timothy 2:1- 2
Dear Friends,
American Independence Day, celebrated on July 4th, is a national holiday that honors the founding of the United States of America. The occasion is celebrated in many ways – festive parades, hot dogs and, of course, fireworks. Its always a fun time with family and friends.
But this year I sense a deep need as ever before to pray for our nation. Our country’s downhill slide away from God seems to be accelerating as never before. While this is not a new thing (the Word of God and prayer out of Public Schools years ago), the fact is, our nation was founded on a belief system of Biblical principles. Yet, it seems like as never before, our country is walking away from God and as a result we are now reaping a sad harvest. In every institution – business, government, family and even churches it seems as though there is a step away from God. We need to get back to the Bible and back to God.
I believe there’s still hope to make a difference! Paul made it clear that those who follow Christ must pray for our leaders. Our nation’s future is, to a large degree, in their hands. This July 4th can I ask each of us to take a moment to pray for our nation and for our government’s leaders?
Let us do what we can to be salt and light and preserve our nation for as long as possible.
Praying for America,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor