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The Importance of a Biblical Belief System

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”

1 Peter 3:15

Dear Friends,

What really constitutes a belief system? Every human being has a one. It is through this mechanism that we try and make sense of the world around us. For many, their belief system is just stories they tell themselves based on culture, education, family or popular concepts.

A biblical belief system is vital to keep one grounded and protected as they move forward. But there may be an even bigger reason for a biblical belief system and that is, it prepares us to help people who are seeking some answers. One of the greatest privileges on this earth is assisting a fellow human find Jesus Christ.

By having a strong grip on biblical truth we can offer some genuine hope. Yes, that’s it – hope! Too many people today base their lives on opinions. What a biblical Christian has to offer people in this world is a hope not based on culture, but on the reality of Jesus Christ dying for their sins and giving them an eternal home.

The more we are in the Scriptures, the more we comprehend what God is really trying to say and the stronger our faith then grows. By consistently being in church and hearing the word preached and by reading and meditating on Scripture, we build our faith. A biblical belief system is good, not only for ourselves and maybe more importantly; so we can offer hope to others!

Hope for the Hurting,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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