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Facing Crisis Without Retreating

“Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.”

Psalm 139:5

Dear Friends,

The great Old Testament king, David’s, life was one that required great courage. In his obedience to the Lord, he found that he must stay the course with bravery. How could he face crisis without retreating?

He had the reassurance that God was before him, “Thou hast beset me…before…” Psalm 139:5b. It’s great to know that God is leading and guiding all the way. David also found reassurance in knowing that God had his back as well, “Thou hast beset me behind…” Psalm 139a. But that wasn’t all – he also found great comfort in knowing that God had him covered, “…and laid thine hand upon me…” Psalm 139:5c. There you have it, God had spoke powerfully to him that He would be before him, behind him and over him! Isn’t it awesome to know that God is traveling with us in our daily journey?

As I was reading this passage I was excited to see that God had us surrounded in His blessings. But then, further on in that chapter in verse 10 I noticed that God was holding us too! “Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” Psalm 139:10 Wow! How amazing is that – not only is God before us, behind us and on top - but His loving arms are also underneath.

If you build your life on the pledge of God that He’s got us totally covered by His grace, then you will be able to face any crisis without retreating.


Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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