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Hit the Bullseye in 2017

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:14

Dear Friends,

What are your goals for 2017? In ministry…in family…in your personal life? Do you want to learn a new hobby or sport? Do you want to visit somewhere special? Do you have a project you want to finish at the house? All of these are good and are the “stuff” that a meaningful life is made of. But may I suggest the greatest mark, the bulls-eye, which a victorious Christian is to keep their eyes on – Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul reminded us that the prize of a Christian’s calling (which is the highest calling) is heaven, that is, God’s kingdom and all that that entails. Of all the goals that we make this year, the main thing is to have a life that is approved by heaven.

Why not commit in this New Year, to being consistent every day in the Word and prayer? Why not make sure that you are faithful to church every Sunday, unless you are sick or working? Why not purpose to honor God with the tithe (10% of your income)?

The highest calling and the best calling – the bull’s eye in 2017 is to have a spirit-filled, Bible-bathed Christian life. I love each of you and will be praying for God’s power to be yours in this coming year.

Your Brother in Christ,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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