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Have Courage

“Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:7

Dear Friends,

It would be really nice if I could look back on 2016 and say, “I never made a mistake and had perfect success every single time in all the things that I attempted.” Well, we all know that’s impossible. There’s no way to avoid disappointed plans in life. There’s always going to be things that don’t turn out the way that we would like. But there’s a big difference between disappointment and discouragement. Disappointment is unavoidable; discouragement is a choice that we make.

As Joshua was facing the daunting task of leading several million people into a new land, without the help of his trusted mentor Moses, he could certainly be tempted to be discouraged. But God reminded him that if he would stay strong in prayer and keep the Word inside of his spirit and not turn to the right or to the left, he would be able to make it.

As I look at this coming year I know disappointments will come, but discouragement does not have to. The Bible calls us to be strong and courageous and to trust God – no matter what we’re facing. Ask God to cast away all fears and fill you with His mighty power and strength this coming year.

Be Courageous My Friend,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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