Quit Beating Yourself Up

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
Dear Friends,
To be sure, any sin in a believer’s life will have consequences. And while some of the ramifications of bad choices may be long lasting, it doesn’t mean that God will not forgive.
The Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthian church that when a person trusts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they become a new creature – old things are passed away! If you have acknowledged your sin, you must lay aside the shame. It is all too easy for us as fallen humanity to hold on to the guilt and beat ourselves up every day for the stupid mistakes we have made. But one of the most important aspects of the successful Christian life is being willing to accept forgiveness. When Christ died on the cross, He secured total salvation for you.
Accept your freedom dear believer! Accept God’s pardon of your past and look to the future. Don’t let ole’ smutty face (Satan) steal your joy.
Enjoying Freedom in Christ,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor