Let Your Speech Be Always with Grace
“Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.”
Colossians 4:6
Dear Friends,
As the Apostle was signing off his letter to the dear people of Colossi, he brought up some important attributes for the Christian life. He spoke of prayer, thankfulness and also, the importance of what and how we talk. Paul encouraged them, “let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt.”
Our God-given ability to communicate can be used for so much good – but it also can be used negatively. While we can’t always talk about “grace”, it should be with grace. We are required to talk about many things during the course of a day. And those things aren’t always spiritual. Yet the manner of how we speak, should always be with an air of Christian grace.
Having a redemptive mindset that is a heart for the lost is “the salt” which seasons all of our speaking. It keeps the things we talk about on a higher plain. God desires that we use wisdom in how we speak with the people of this world, especially as we answer questions about our faith.
As representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, let’s make it our habit to use a kind tone, good manners and respect as we deal with all people – even those who don’t know the Lord.
O Be Careful Little Tongue,
Dr. Tim Pollock