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Are You Thinking What God Is Thinking?

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.”

Colossians 3:15

Dear Friends,

Wise Christians desire the follow the will of God in everything. Many believers use a feeling of “peace” as a sign for determining that will. They might state something like, “I have peace about marrying this man.”

However, this may not be enough evidence to validate that the decision is in the perfect will of God. The real question here might be, “Whose peace are we experiencing?” Paul talked about letting, “…the peace of Christ rule in your hearts” (Colossians 3:15). The word “rule” is umpire. With that understanding then we are to allow Christ to be the umpire that judges whether our decisions fit with God's will. This means every decision must be aligned with scripture. Did you make your decision using your Bible or your brain? Sadly, too often we make choices without the guidance of Scripture because we want a quicker or easier method for finding an answer. For example - marrying is a great plan, but not if the person is an unbeliever, it doesn’t pass the umpire test; that is stepping out of bounds!

Let God mold you gradually, day-by-day, as you read the Word and let its truths sink into your mind and then your decisions will be good ones.

Peace To You,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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