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Don't Let Pride Get in the Way of a Healing

“Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.”

2 Kings 5:14

Dear Friends,

It must’ve been an incredibly hard thing for the great warrior Naaman to be willing to dip himself 7 times in Jordan’s murky waters in order to get a healing – but he did it. And when he did, God responded with a quick and amazing healing! What an incredible outpouring of God’s favor Naaman experienced because of his obedience.

Obedience sometimes requires us to do things that seem strange, even unreasonable. There was no good reason from Naaman’s viewpoint why he should wash in such a dirty river as the Jordan. And besides, who else had ever been healed this way? But he had received a direct command from the Lord via a prophet. Suppose Naaman had allowed his pride to get in the way and had stopped after only 6 dips. He would’ve missed out on a great healing.

How sad it would have been for him to die as a leprous and lost man all because of pride! Genuine obedience requires that we proceed by faith on the nature and promises of God.

Dear friend, don’t let a proud spirit get in the way of a mighty blessing!

Many Blessings to You,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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