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God Will Never Instruct Us to Do Anything Unless He Has A Sovereign Purpose for It

“Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”

Isaiah 43:7

Dear Friends,

The Bible makes it very clear that our all-wise God desires that His people live for one purpose – His glory! Every attitude…every decision and every event of our lives are scripted for a single overarching aim and that is for God’s praise.

Throughout the pages of Scripture, God asked His people to do seemingly unusual difficult, if not impossible, tasks for His glory. Noah was told to build a huge ark; Joshua was asked to march around the walls of Jericho instead of fighting; Peter and his crew were told, after toiling all night, to try again on the other side of the boat.

What was God thinking in all of these scenarios? What purpose could there possibly be in pushing these humans to their limits? The answer is clear – it is tied to the ultimate purpose of mankind and that is to glorify God. God would never ask us to do something – however hard – unless it would ultimately redound to His glory. God has unique plans for each and every life and if we obey, it will ultimately result in His glory.

All Glory to God,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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