Godly Waiting Requires Action

“Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.”
Psalm 37:3
Dear Friends,
It surprises most believers to hear that waiting on the Lord doesn’t mean sitting there doing nothing, in fact, it is quite the opposite.
The psalmist reminded us that trusting the Lord must followed up by doing. The life of an obedient Christian involves a believing reliance upon God. We must not think that trusting God means that we sit around and do nothing until God moves. Doing nothing while we wait is not trusting God but rather tempting Him. It’s true God doesn’t want us to think we can do it without Him, but neither does He want us to imagine that He will do it without us!
Godly waiting requires action. The delays of life present us with an opportunity to show that we trust in God’s transforming power. Godly waiting involves prayer, reading the Word and serving God in the interim.
As we are diligent to serve Him, according to His will while we wait, then it is promised that God will feed us.
Waiting and Trusting,
Dr. Tim Pollock