Whiner or Winner?

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5:20
Dear Friends,
Let me ask you a question. Do you have difficulty with negativism? If you do, you join 99.9% of the rest of us!
The first complainer was Adam who, after he disobeyed, complained to God about Eve. The son of Adam, Cain, also complained. We also read of Israelites’ constant grumbling. It’s a fact, as long as we’re whining we won’t be winning.
A gratitude attitude can literally transform our life. Some folks are always griping about something. Rather than being humbly grateful, they're as one author stated, grumbly hateful!
Some thank God for obvious blessings, but the Apostle reminds us that when we find a way give thanks always for all things we do it for the name of our Lord Jesus. As a Christian, constant complaining is debilitating personally and only serves to mar our witness. Think about it, who would be attracted to a belief system whose followers are continually negative?
I don't care how irritating things get – and boy can they; take the ultimate step of faith and say, "God, You’re greater than this, and I thank You." Don't thank God by feeling; thank Him by faith. I can’t always feel thankful, but I can be thankful. Be a winner not a whiner!
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor