Our Good Intentions

“O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.”
Psalm 119:97
Dear Friends,
As the calendar turns each January 1st, we tend to make resolutions – a great idea! We want to do things better in the new year.
But resolutions get us nowhere unless we act upon them! Behavioral Psychologists say that it takes 21 days of doing an action to form a habit. Whether this is always true or not I’m not sure. But what I am sure of is this, consistency matters!
And nowhere is consistency needed any more than in our prayer life and in Bible study. Prayer and the Word are the anchors of a successful life!
Every serious believer desires to please his Lord. If you want to please Him and experience God in a dynamic way this coming year you must spend time with Him.
There is a “divine domino effect” in our lives. You cannot love someone you do not know. And you cannot know someone you don't spend quality time with. David loved spending time in the Law because His God wrote it.
Friend let’s make time for God’s law, not “find time.” Make prayer and the Bible a priority this year. Read a passage of the Bible and then pray. Then when you pray, pour out your soul. Tell Him how you feel. Pray out loud. Let’s turn good intentions into good actions!
Have a Good and Godly Year,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor