Fighting the Good Fight
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”
2 Timothy 4:7
Dear Friends,
The amazing Apostle Paul lived every day with the undeniable realization that life is a battle. It was a “good fight” but it was still a fight. He lived every day from his conversion to his final moments consenting to and embracing God’s purpose for his life.
As we read the Pauline epistles, we know he fought the same enemies we all fight - the flesh, the world and Satan. Paul was surely a great man but not naturally a more spiritual person than each of us. No, Paul persevered in his faith just like we must. He wasn’t a perfect man and when he got knocked down, he just kept getting back up.
Dear friend, lets fight the good fight of faith! Keep trusting and obeying whether it’s in ministry, family or our personal lives – let’s bring honor to our Lord by staying in the battle for the Lord. Don’t quit now…victory is coming.
Fighting for the Faith,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor