You Still Have to be Born Again

“Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” John 3:7
Dear friends,
There was a very smart and influential man in the time of Jesus by the name of Nicodemus. Nicodemus certainly had a lot going for himself, but Jesus specifically told him that in spite of all his good attributes, he needed a spiritual rebirth. Jesus warned him not to let this fact "blow him away" however (marvel not - John 3:7). In my daily journeys I find many people today that are like Nicodemus – they are basically moral, good people. As they compare themselves to others they feel like they’re in pretty good shape. In their mind there’s this human reasoning that says something like, “I’m sure that somehow a God, who is love, will make it possible for me to end up in heaven because I’m basically a good person.” While this rationale seems logical, it is absolutely false! Jesus clearly stated that every person - old or young, male or female and regardless of nationality; has to be born again. That's because everyone sins and as a result, we are separated from God. Those sins against God cannot be washed away by the thought that overall we basically are a good person. This is self-deception at its most egregious form. The only way to be acceptable to God is to be born again or as the original language says it to be "born from above", that is, by an act of God. When the Holy Spirit comes to live in a soul and spirit, it is radically changed forever. We are regenerated and become a new person. We must not trick ourselves into thinking that just because we’re basically a good person, we've got all our bases covered. The question still is this - has there been a radical change deep within your soul? Has there been a time where you came into a personal relationship with God? Don't let this fact surprise you; you still need to be born again. You Must Be Born Again, Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor