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The Source of Love

“We love him, because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

Dear friends,

This weekend millions of lovers will exchange sweet remembrances of their care to each other. Notes, poems, flowers and my favorite, See’s Marzipan Dark Chocolate - will be in abundance. As it has been said, love is a many splendored thing. I wonder, however, if we have ever considered the source and rise of love itself? Where did the concept of love actually begin? We have a clear answer from First John. Here the beloved Apostle John (who had a struggle in his early life with genuine love), found out that God’s love towards us is the incentive, motive and very cause of our love. He was the first who had love in His heart and who acted on love. God, in His great care, loved us when we were unlovely and loved us so much that He gave His own son’s blood. How can we be anything but in awe at such great love? His love is the cause of our love, as we are made in the image of God. He stamped a deep impression on our soul that to be God-like is to love. Whenever we display genuine love towards God or others, we become an open display of God's character. The only reason we can love God or others is because He first loved us. He is the source of our force! Please take time this weekend to express your deep love for God and those around you and for all they mean to you. I Stand Amazed, Pastor Tim

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