The Divine Exchange

“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6
Dear friends,
The sight of blood is a distasteful thing. The other day I was walking along and felt something dripping on my hand, I looked down to see blood pouring down from a nick on my arm – yuck! Being the father of a large family I have seen lots of bloody noses, skimmed knees and more…as you might imagine. While blood is not a pleasant sight, without Christ’s blood, which was poured out for our sins, we would be like a condemned prisoner without any hope. During this season of the year, as Christians all over the world look toward to resurrection Sunday, it is good for us to remind ourselves what the first Easter was all about. As believers, it is the place where a divine exchange took place, that is - the moment when God gave us life on the basis of a death that was paid on our behalf. Very early on we show our propensity for sin (I’ve never had to sit down with any one of our children for a lesson on how to be a better liar – they seemed naturals). As sinful people, a holy God could not have a personal relationship with us until the sin barrier was cared for. Christ willingly provided Himself as a substitute to satisfy the just demands of God. Jesus exchanged our punishment with His eternal life. Now that’s something to celebrate! Thoughts of blood and death may seem distasteful, but without the substitutionary death of Jesus we would have no future. O, how I thank God that Christ traded His Godly life for our ungodly one. Exchanges Allowed, Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor