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An Unchanging God

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

James 1:17

Dear Friends,

So much of what we believe as Christians is based on the fact that we serve a God who is always the same. If God never changes then His promises never change, if His promises never change then I can have perfect trust that everything is going to be okay!

James reassured New Testament readers that they were forever connected to God, because He is eternal and unchanging. There was never a time in eternity past where God began and, thankfully, there will never be a time in eternity future where God will end – God began time and space itself. Knowing that God is eternal and unchanging gives us the great confidence that regardless of what happens in the future God will be there for us.

I can trust in His grace because with God, things never change. I can trust in His love because with God, things never change. I can trust in His mercy because with God, things never, ever – ever – change. When I talk to God…when I worship God…when I hear from God – I can push forward with absolute certainty because He never varies.

How important it is for God’s people to know great theological fact that our great God is unchanging. He has good gifts just waiting for those that trust Him.

Secure in Christ,

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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