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Protecting Our Nation

As we look at the state of our nation today, are we flourishing or floundering? Scripture proclaims, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). The topic of sin is not a popular one in the public arena today. However, “righteousness” is the only way our nation can truly flourish according to the eternal word.

It is undeniably wise for a nation to have a strong military and law enforcement, a conservative judiciary and good laws. And yet it is only when God is honored in a nation that the people are truly protected. Abandoning the Lord leads to nothing good and certainly to the loss of His blessings.

As it has been so appropriately said, Freedom isn’t free! Our nation is under attack as never before. Satan’s ungodly and unbiblical influences fight against the faith. As believers we must have the courage to fight back…not with weapons but with the Word of God—the message of the gospel, which is the only thing that can transform lives and influence the world for good.

Dear friend, despite the sinful condition of our culture, we should not be discouraged. God’s ultimate purpose might be delayed but it is never derailed by sin. The best protection for our nation is for every God-fearing believer to trust and obey the scripture and follow Christ!

Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor

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