Getting God’s Favor
“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”
Genesis 6:8
Dear Friends,
As people, we often long for the favor of others. Having the favor of our employer can be financially rewarding. Having the favor of our parents or others that are close to us is very reassuring. But of all the favor that there is to acquire, having God’s favor is certainly the greatest.
The amazing Old Testament man of God, Noah, found grace (favor) in God’s eyes. While God’s favor is always unmerited it is not unconditional. We must realize that God’s favor isn’t “willy-nilly” as some might imagine. It is not that God likes some people and not others. Human actions move the needle of God’s divine favor.
Noah had God’s favor. But the reason Noah had God’s favor was because he walked with God. His willingness to keep a close relationship with the Lord through sincere worship and biblical obedience cleared the way for God to flood his life with blessings.
Dear friend, it is a great thrill to know that getting God’s favor is yours to have. It is for anyone who will love and obey Him.
Longing for His Favor,
Dr. Tim Pollock, Senior Pastor